In-Situ XPS



X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is primarily used to probe the bond configurations of atoms in the top 2-5nm of a thin film specimen.  Soft X-ray radiation (from Al and/or Mg sources, need both to distinguish XPS from Auger) is directed at the sample to induce the emission of inner shell electrons.  Measuring the characteristic kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is used to determine their binding energy and therefore what atom they came from as well as the local bonding scheme.


  • X-Ray Source RQ 20/38 (Ni and Al sources)
  • Locates in MBE cluster
  • Sample should be mounted on 3” holder
  • Sample should not have any loosing/magnetic particles
  • Sample should survive 1h baking at 150C

Location: RFM 1236
Manager: Dr. Casey Smith,, 512-213-7909
Model: The Gammadata Scienta SES-2002
Generously donated by Motorola