Dynacool PPMS

The Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS) represents a unique concept in laboratory equipment: an open architecture, variable temperature-field system, designed to perform a variety of automated measurements. Use the PPMS with its specially-designed measurement options. Sample environment controls include fields up to ±9 tesla and temperature range of 50mK - 300 K. Measurement types are:
- Vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) for measuring the magnetization of a materials
- AC and DC transport for performing resistivity, simple hall effect, Van Der Pauw Hall, I-V curve tracing and critical current measurements.
- Magneto-optical measurements.
- temperature range: 50mK to 300K
- Magnetic field Range: -9T to 9T
- Maximum sample size for electrical measurements
- Sample sizes up to 1in diameter
- Standard sample size is 0.4in x 0.5in
- Maximum sample size for Magnetic measurements
- Power samples: up to 5.0mm3
- Solid samples: up to 3mm x 7mm
Support Equipment
Location: RFM 2226
Manager: Dr. Casey Smith casey.smith@txstate.edu
Backup: Jacob Armitage, jacob.armitage@txstate.edu
Model: Quantum Design PPMS
Funded by:
Materials Application Research Center (MARC, Myers)
Advanced modules: grant 78810-W911NF-21-1-0253 (DoD, Theodoropoulou)