
Ellipsometer used to analyze thin film structural and optical properties including thickness, segregation character of multicomponent films, and complex refractive indices. The instrument relies on the fact that the reflection at a dielectric interface depends on the polarization of the light while the transmission of light through a transparent layer changes the phase pf the incoming wave depending on the refractive index of the material. An ellipsometer can be used you measure layers as thin as 1nm up to layers which are several microns thick.
- Spectral range: 245-1690 nm, 660 wavelengths
- Detector: CCD
- Angles of Incidence: 20°-90°
- Max substrate thickness: 18mm
Location: RFM2226
Manager: Jacob Armitage, jacob.armitage@txstate.edu
Backup: Dr. Casey Smith casey.smith@txstate.edu
Backup Model:
J.A. Woollam Co. M-2000UI with Auto Angle ESM-300 Base
Funded by: The Materials Applications Research Center (MARC)