AFM Consumables

Please contact ARSC Staff to purchase consumables. Consumable costs are outside of the monthly project cap. Individual users are not permitted to purchase consumables via FOM. Contact us at if you have any questions.
AFM Tips Type A
HQ.NSC14/Al BS, 160kHz, 5 N/m, 125 µm, $11.0*
Soft tapping mode, Al backside coating
AFM Tips Type D
HQ.NSC15/Al BS, 325kHz, 40 N/m, 125 µm, $29.0*
tapping mode 325KHz with Al backside coating
AFM Tips Type E
HQ.NSC19/Al BS, 65kHz, 0.5 N/m, 125 µm, $18.0*
light force modulation mode
AFM Tips Type F
RTESPA-525, 525 kHz, 200 N/m, 125 µm, $33.0*
hard tapping
AFM Tips Type K
HQ.NSC14/Pt, 160kHz, 5 N/m, 125 µm, $17.0*
Soft tapping mode with Pt coating
AFM Tips Type L
HQ.NSC15/Pt, 325kHz, 40 N/m, 125 µm, $19.0*
tapping mode 325KHz with Pt coating both sides
AFM Tips Type P
PtSi-FM, 75 kHz, 2.8 N/m, 225 µm, $133.0*
Silicon probe with conductive and wear resistant silicide coating
May require prior supervisor approval.
*Internal project cost per consumable. Additional fees may apply for external projects.